Sunday 6 July 2014

Easy peasy papaya

Sometime in the last couple of weeks, we had a bit of nice weather. And it was glorious.

I don't know about you but I don't always feel like eating massive meals when it's hot outside, and I especially don't feel like slaving over the hob or sticking my head in a hot oven (for food purposes - you don't need to send help).

This makes a really easy peasy (and pretty) lunch, light dinner with a salad, or refreshing starter for a meal with friends. I'm not sure where this recipe originally came from, but it was served to me about 10 years ago by a family friend and has been a favourite ever since.

Papaya isn't something that I have in the house particularly often, but sometimes I see them on offer in the supermarket because they are perfectly ripe, and can't resist snapping them up.

Reducing waste isn't just about using up what's in your own fridge - supermarkets chuck out tonnes of fresh food every year, so if you have the capacity to use something up that's on offer because it only has a couple of days left on it then do it! If you shop sensibly and plan your meals then you can get bargains on things you wouldn't normally look at because they are too expensive or you always waste them.

As mentioned this recipe is ridiculously easy to prepare, and only needs a few ingredients but the combination is so refreshing and I highly recommend that you give it a go.

1 papaya per person (for lunch or light dinner) or 1/2 per person (as a starter)
150g cottage cheese per papaya
1 lime

Cut the papayas in half and scoop out the seeds and fibres using a teaspoon. Put this into a bowl.

Squeeze lime juice over the cut side of the papayas.

Spoon in around 75g of cottage cheese per half a papaya (although use more if you love cottage cheese like I do).

Squeeze some more lime over the top, and sprinkle on some of the papaya seeds. A bit like watermelon seeds these are not to everyone's liking, but I love their peppery flavour and slight crunch.


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