Tuesday 30 September 2014

Mountains & Munchies in Mallorca - part 1

Have you ever been to Mallorca? If not then I'm here to sell it to you in this series of posts. If you have - well, let's reminisce together. What's your favourite place in Mallorca?

Unfortunately I don't get commission for this, but I would happily go back and write a follow up post...so, ya know, holiday offers welcome...

Mallorca sometimes get a bad rep as a stereotypical Brits abroad, high rise resorts, lets-all-eat-McDonalds-kebabs-and-spag-bol kinda place. But outside of the big high rise resorts it is really a beautiful place with pretty seaside villages and dramatic mountains and scenery. Oh and tapas. And paella. And delicious wine...

We stayed in Port de Pollence, where we spent some time relaxing by the pool and on the beautiful beaches, mainly reading and snorkelling with the fish. And getting involved in our own friendly (competitive) bat & ball competition (I won). 

But there is a lot to see and do, and so we dragged our backsides away from our sunbeds and into our hire car. 

First stop Pollenca old town - complete with lots of cute alleys, atmospheric squares surrounded by outdoor cafes and pretty shops for window shopping.

Plus an AMAZING market every Sunday. It stretches through pretty much the whole town, and has fruit and veg..

...as well as jewellery, art, clothes, and so much more that we didn't have time to explore. Markets like this are one of my favourite holiday activites.

After walking what felt like miles around the market, we decided it was time for a change of scenery, and headed up the 365 steps to a sweet little chapel (with a couple of stops for appreciating the vistas and catching our breath).

Made it!

We had just enough breath left in our lungs to stop and enjoy the view and snap a quick selfie...

...before we headed back down and booked a beautiful little restaurant for dinner with a separate veggie (believe it or not) tapas menu. More on that later!

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