Monday 9 June 2014

FoodCycle volunteering - take 3!

It has been really rather a long time since I posted a blog post. I have no excuse for this at all - I seem to have been filling my evenings and weekends quite successfully with no time for cooking anything of note or sitting down to write.

So to ease myself back in gently, and as last week was national volunteering week, I thought I would update you on the last time I went FoodCycling in Wandsworth.

For those of you that don't know and haven't seen my previous post on this (check it out here), FoodCycle is a charity that aims to reduce food waste while reducing poverty and building communities at the same time.

The basic premise is that supermarkets and shops throw away huge amounts of perfectly edible fresh ingredients every single day. So FoodCycle volunteers gather up that food on a Saturday morning, and cook a three course meal from the ingredients they are given. It's then served to anyone who fancies a free lunch - with table clothes and proper table service.

This week there was lots of beetroot and mooli, plenty of carrots and caulis, and lots of bashed fruits.

The menu was Rainbow Salad, Spicy Vegetable Pilaf and a Bread and Butter Pudding.

Here is the Rainbow Salad - it isn't the best example (most were much prettier than this), but it tasted delicious. Who knew mooli was so nice just thinly sliced? Not me, but through complete experimentation I have discovered a new ingredient.

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Anyway there are FoodCycles all over the country, and if there isn't one in your local area then you can look in to starting one!

I would highly recommend it - it can be hard work in the kitchen, but it is always a lot of fun and I learn something new each time I go. Plus it's great seeing people getting a good hearty healthy meal, with ingredients that would have gone to waste otherwise!

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