Monday 9 June 2014

Sunshine, garden guests and easy brunch

The sun was actually shining at the weekend - hurray!

We took advantage and had a lovely sunny brunch in the garden. Delightful.

But wait! Who's that watching us from beside the shed? It is our new garden buddies - Walt and Jesse (for all you Breaking Bad fans out there - don't tell me what happens, I'm only at the start of season 5).

Aren't they delicious? They have taken up residence under our shed.

Libby tried her best to out-cute them...

And when that failed...out-pose them...

Attention seeking kitty.

This is just what a sunny weekend morning needs - I know some people don't like foxes in their gardens, but at the moment we are sharing the space quite successfully, and I love watching them gambling about with their foxy mum (and sometimes dad - we assume, I haven't checked!).

Anyway, after we (I) took a million pictures of the wildlife in our garden, we got down to the serious matter of brunching.

If you are ever after a brunch dish for a vegetarian friend, or a meat eating friend for that matter, then this is PERFECT. It is different from the usual choices for brunch, and actually relatively healthy.

I have been experimenting with different methods of poaching my eggs as I have always struggled slightly... these aren't the best I have done, but I will do a follow up post with my new found method!

1 ripe avocado
Juice of half a lime
Chili - finely sliced (optional)
1 tomato - cut into small chunks (16ths works best)
2 eggs per person
Nice crusty bread - sour dough works well, or just a crusty loaf
Black Pepper

Peel and de-stone the avocado. Pop it in a bowl. Add in the lime juice and give it a good mash with a fork or masher. The lime juice tastes great, but also stops the avocado going brown. Season it up well.

Stir the tomato and optional chili into the avo mix.

Get your eggs on to poach - for these ones I used the swirling vortex of boiling water method. I think my water was boiling too fast...hence the slightly ropey look around the outside. They weren't too bad, but I have found a better method. You will have to wait for that post while I perfect them...

Slice up your bread, and spread with the avocado mixture.

Top with the poached eggs, and crack plenty of black pepper on top. I sprinkled thyme leaves on too.

Serve with a large cuppa and a generous helping of Sunday morning laziness. Sunshine and fox cubs optional, but recommended.

It was too delicious - I had to dig in!

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